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Java SE Version 8 Update 171 172 Released

The JRE expires whenever a new release with security vulnerability fixes becomes available. Critical patch updates, which contain security vulnerability fixes, are announced one year in advance on Critical Patch Updates, Security Alerts and Third Party Bulletin. This JRE (version 8u171) will expire with the release of the next critical patch update scheduled for July 17, 2018.

Java SE Version 8 Update 171 172 released

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For systems unable to reach the Oracle Servers, a secondary mechanism expires this JRE (version 8u171) on August 17, 2018. After either condition is met (new release becoming available or expiration date reached), the JRE will provide additional warnings and reminders to users to update to the newer version. For more information, see JRE Expiration Date.

This is release is primarily a feature release, the post-quantum algorithm set has been further expanded and now includes NIST finalists Kyber, Dilithium, Falcon, as well as the Round 3/4 candidates BIKE, HQC, NTRU, NTRU Prime, and Picnic in the BCPQC provider. The finalist SPHINCS+ has also been updated to its latest submission and Haraka support has been added. An implementation of SIKE is also included (for research purposes only). Other changes include the addition of Argon2 support for OpenPGP, performance improvements for OpenPGP CRC24 calculator, support for TLS raw public keys (RFC 7250) and an algorithm/keysize constraints framework has been added via the CryptoServicesRegistrar object. Bug fixes include an issue with the construction of multi-document evidence records and an occasional error in GCMSIV tag calculation. The BCJSSE also now has TLS 1.3 enabled by default. The latest version of the Grain128AEAD has also been added to the lightweight API and the CMP support classes have been updated to reflect the latest version of the draft RFC "Lightweight Certificate Management Protocol (CMP) Profile."

The exception is that every three years, the sixth release in succession shall be designated a Long-Term Support (LTS) version. Versions 8 and 11 are both LTS, as will be version 17. This means the version will receive updates and fixes for years instead of months.

This problem occurred again because version 161 has been archived. This version is referenced currently by the PPA. You can use the following commands to update the reference to 172 (171+bug fixes, refer Oracle's Java Downloads1):

Regarding Oracle Java SE Support Roadmap,[3] version 19 is the latest one, and versions 17, 11 and 8 are the currently supported long-term support (LTS) versions, where Oracle Customers will receive Oracle Premier Support. Java 8 LTS the last free software public update for commercial use was released by Oracle in March 2022, while Oracle continues to release no-cost public Java 8 updates for development[3] and personal use indefinitely.[4] Java 7 is no longer publicly supported. For Java 11, long-term support will not be provided by Oracle for the public; instead, the broader OpenJDK community, as Eclipse Adoptium or others, is expected to perform the work.[5]

Here's how to find out which JRE you have on your computer. Open a command window (in Windows, Start > Run... and typejava -version; in Mac OS X, Applications > Utilities > Terminal) and type java -version at the command prompt. It should look something like this:

Which JDK do you have? If you are on a PC running Windows and have never installed a version of the Java Development Kit (JDK) on your machine, you probably don't have it. If you are on a Mac, you probably do. To find out, type javac -version:

2. When asked where the workspace (that will contain all the projects) should be, make it the same as the workspace for the old version of Eclipse. When you do this, you may be asked whether you want all the projects updated to the new version of Eclipse. Say yes.

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